The studio embarked on an exploration of physical habitable space in relation to the planet earth. The mission was to design an easily deployable capsule that would support life at off-grid terrestrial locations. From an extensive bioclimatic understanding of site, the capsule designs utilised passive integrated environmental systems for the modulation of sun, wind, and rain. Ultimately the relationship of the capsules function and use, form and materiality, environmental systems, and relationship to site had to work together in a seamless and integrated way. The goal was to design capsules that supported both human and non-human life within their vicinity.
Ross McLeod
Image Credit: Ronghan Sun, Siyi Shan, Ruimin Li, Zihan Wang
Image Credit: Ronghan Sun, Siyi Shan, Ruimin Li, Zihan Wang
Image Credit: Caitlin Mok, Hsuan Yang, Poorva Vinod Gaware
Image Credit: Ronghan Sun, Siyi Shan, Ruimin Li, Zihan Wang